Unit 29

Situational Dialogue 1

CustomerI want to change some money, please.
ClerkHow much money, sir?
CustomerWell, I've got a hundred and fifty pounds. I'd like a hundred German marks and a few French francs.
ClerkHow many?
CustomerJust a few, about fifty. And I need a little Swiss money, too.
ClerkHow much?

Situational Dialogue 2

WomanI'd like some stamps, please.
ClerkHow many would you like?
WomanFour 7p stamps and two 9p stamps, please.
ClerkFour 7p and two 9p.
ManWhat would you like, Betty?
BettyI'd like some sherry, please.
ManHow much? Is that enough?
BettyOh, no. That's too much. I don't want very much.
ManAll right. I'll take this.
BarkeeperWould you like anything with it, sir?
ManSome water, please.
BarkeeperHow much water, sir?
ManJust a little, please. That's enough.